I'll meet you under the stars
when all the chances
of the day are exhausted
and you are no longer hurrying.
I'll meet you under the stars
when you sit still
the ancient stirrings
of your heart.
Laughing, crying
giving thanks.
Transformative Creativity work can support you on your unique creative and spiritual journey. In its deepest implications, creativity is about freedom and Soul-fulfilment.
Creativity, Poetry and Story hold magic. They have the potential to bring about healing, empowerment and reconnection to our inner selves, one another and to our common home: the Earth.
Soon you will find
what spoke to you once
no longer does.
Or it does, with new
unstoppable power.
Either way,
courage will open
your path.
"At every moment of our lives, we all have one foot in a fairy tale and the other in the abyss."
Paulo Coelho
"In 2020, I had the very good fortune to work with Francesca Aniballi on a story practitioner course I was teaching. I was pleasantly called to attention by her precision and warmth. In Francesca, I have met one of those rare souls whose innate understanding of the scope and intricacy of Story calls us into the possibility of travelling between realms to change, in a good way, the stories we are living. In Francesca, I have also met someone whose gentleness, love for humanity, and careful language build a caring space that can foster safety and growth. Francesca holds the tools and craft of a story artisan, with eagle vision and a readiness to fly with you wherever your story of healing needs to flow."
Carol Day
Author of Story Compass and Shamanic Dreaming